Choosing Trust Over Fear: Building Relationships with Courage

Have you ever felt that sinking feeling in your gut when trust is required, but fear starts creeping in? Maybe you’ve been hurt before, let down by someone you cared about, or maybe the fear of rejection has kept you from letting your guard down. I’ve been there too, and it can be hard to know when to open up or stay closed off.

But here’s the thing: the best relationships are built on trust. And trust requires courage.

It’s natural to be afraid. After all, trusting someone means allowing them to see who you really are—the good, the messy, and the vulnerable parts of you. It means releasing control and hoping that the other person won’t hurt you. But if you let fear control your actions, you end up building walls instead of bridges. And walls, while they might protect you for a while, keep the beauty of connection at bay.

So, ask yourself: Is fear keeping me from experiencing deeper, more meaningful relationships? Are there people in my life right now that I keep at a distance because of past hurts or the fear of getting too close?

Choosing trust doesn’t mean being naïve or ignoring red flags. It’s about being brave enough to give someone a chance. It’s the willingness to believe that, just as you want to be loved and understood, others do too. Trust is a risk, but it’s one that leads to stronger bonds and richer relationships when both parties are invested.

Think about your closest relationships—those friends or family members who truly know you. How did those relationships grow? At some point, there was likely a leap of faith, a moment when you chose to trust and the other person proved themselves trustworthy. That’s how relationships blossom.

Building trust doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Small, intentional steps can lead to deeper connections. Start by being open, even just a little, about what’s really on your heart. Share your thoughts, ask for advice, or let someone in on a struggle you’re facing.

And here’s something beautiful: when you show trust, it often invites trust in return. When you’re real, it encourages others to be real with you, and that’s when authentic relationships are born.

Now take a moment to reflect. Who in your life could benefit from a little more trust from you? Is there a friend, partner, or family member who you’ve been hesitant to fully open up to? What’s holding you back?

Or, maybe you’re on the other side of the spectrum—someone has hurt you in the past, and rebuilding trust feels impossible. I get it. Healing takes time. But what if you allowed yourself to consider that not every relationship will end in pain? What if, by choosing trust, you could experience deeper joy, fulfillment, and connection?

This week, take one small step toward building trust with someone in your life. Maybe it’s following up on a conversation, sharing something personal, or simply being present and listening without judgment. Whatever it is, do it with courage and faith, knowing that building relationships takes time, but every act of trust brings you closer to deeper connection.

Remember: Trust is the foundation of every meaningful relationship. Yes, it takes courage, but the rewards are greater than the risks.

So, are you ready to choose trust over fear?

Let’s take that leap together.


From Surface-Level to Soul-Deep: How Trust Builds Deep Connection.