At the core of The Higher Ground Life is the belief that we have been created as relational beings. We do not live in isolation but rather in a vibrant community.

We seek to build life-affirming relationships where people matter, trust abounds and joy is contagious.

Those living the Higher Ground Life choose to practice life-giving behaviors:

Nurturing Relationships.

The Higher Ground Life values relational vs. transactional behavior.  We know that developing meaningful, trusting relationships creates an environment of opportunity. Our current instant gratification culture has no patience for, and sees little value in taking time to nurture relationships.  It places value in the superficial, while we know that real value comes in sustainable relationships.


Living with Purpose.

The Higher Ground Life pursues purpose before profit. The primary motivation is to live a purposeful life. The decisions that we make are driven by doing the right thing and positively impacting others.  We understand that profiting at the expense of others gains us nothing in return.

Being Transparent.

Higher Grounds values living lives of  transparency vs obscurity.  We are open and honest in the way we conduct ourselves. Being fully transparent requires a heavy measure of vulnerability, openness and honesty. Ironically, contrary to the current cultural mandate, vulnerability is not seen as a weakness but rather a great strength in building trusting relationships.

Acting out of Conviction.

We encourage acting out of conviction not compliance. The firmly held beliefs of the Higher Ground Life drives the decision making process. We choose to do what’s right versus what is expedient, meaning that we don’t compromise for convenient decisions that could be construed as possibly improper or immoral. 


Choosing Advocacy.

Higher Ground demonstrates advocacy not apathy when it comes to building relationships. The highest form of love comes in placing others needs above their own.  To champion another is to acknowledge their inherent value and demonstrate the willingness to provide support when they need it most. We do not turn our back or fail to act on someone’s behalf out of a lack of concern.